Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Orange ©2009
Spring has sprung here in Colorado. Yes, I know they are forecasting snow tomorrow and possibly the next day. Even so, that particularly upsetting bite in the air that slices through many happy moods with one expert stroke has been replaced by a long forgotten warmth that reminds you of Fido's first morning kiss. (Some of you will find that a happy thought. For the rest of you, you need a dog in your life. Or at least some sort critter. They do wonders for the soul.)

Now that my comer of the world has thawed, I've taken up the habit of a daily wheel around the block. With my conure in tow, yes even birds deserve a look at the neighborhood, I tread a very familiar path. I don't expect to find anything new as I almost never do. I go just to enjoy the things which God has blessed me with. It is easy to fall into the trap of seeing the simple as mundane and therefore void of any value. My walks don't take up much of my day. However, they help
to pull my eyes from the immediate (and at times overwhelming) to thoughts more lasting. It's more than a "break". It's a re-centering on so many things more important.

I have recently discovered a spot not far from my house where I can sit out on the grass and think so many deep and impressive thoughts. Every deep thinker needs a spot of grass on which to think too many deep thoughts.

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